The Jakarta Project
      Catalina Functional Specifications

Catalina Functional Specifications

Administrative Apps - Supported Operations

Supported Operations Overview

This document defines the Supported Operations that may be performed against the Administered Objects that are supported by Tomcat 5 administrative applications. Not all operations are required to be available through every administrative application that is implemented. However, if a given operation is available, it should operate consistently with the descriptions found here.

Supported Operations are described for the following Administered Objects:

Access Logger

From the perspective of a particular Access Logger, it shall be possible to perform the following administrative operations:

  • Navigate to the owning Engine, Host, or Context.
  • Edit the configurable properties of this object.

From the perspective of a particular Connector, it shall be possible to perform the following administrative operations:

  • Navigate to the owning Service.
  • Edit the configurable properties of this object.

From the perspective of a particular Context, it shall be possible to perform the following administrative operations:

  • Navigate to the owning Host.
  • Edit the configurable properties of this object.
  • Create and configure a new Access Logger associated with this object.
  • Edit the configurable properties of the associated Access Logger.
  • Remove the associated Access Logger.
  • Create and configure a new Environment Entry associated with this object.
  • Select and edit the configurable properties of an associated Environment Entry.
  • Remove an associated Environment Entry.
  • Create and configure a new JDBC Resource associated with this object.
  • Select and edit the configurable properties of an associated JDBC Resource.
  • Remove an associated JDBC Resource.
  • Create and configure a new Loader associated with this object.
  • Edit the configurable properties of the associated Loader.
  • Remove the associated Loader.
  • Create and configure a new Manager associated with this object.
  • Edit the configurable properties of the associated Manager.
  • Remove the associated Manager.
  • Create and configure a new Realm associated with this object.
  • Edit the configurable properties of the associated Realm.
  • Remove the associated Realm.
  • Create and configure a new Request Filter associated with this object.
  • Select and edit the configurable properties of an associated Request Filter
  • Remove an associated Request Filter.
Default Context

From the perspective of a particular Default Context, it shall be possible to perform the following administrative operations:

  • Navigate to the owning Engine or Host.
  • Edit the configurable properties of this object.
  • Create and configure a new Environment Entry associated with this object.
  • Select and edit the configurable properties of an associated Environment Entry.
  • Remove an associated Environment Entry.
  • Create and configure a new JDBC Resource associated with this object.
  • Select and edit the configurable properties of an associated JDBC Resource.
  • Remove an associated JDBC Resource.

From the perspective of a particular Engine, it shall be possible to perform the following administrative operations:

  • Navigate to the owning Service.
  • Edit the configurable properties of this object.
  • Create and configure a new Access Logger associated with this object.
  • Edit the configurable properties of the associated Access Logger.
  • Remove the associated Access Logger.
  • Create and configure a new Default Context associated with this object.
  • Edit the configurable properties of the associated Default Context.
  • Remove the associated Default Context.
  • Create and configure a new Host associated with this object.
  • Select and edit the configurable properties of an associated Host.
  • Remove an associated Host.
  • Create and configure a new Realm associated with this object.
  • Edit the configurable properties of the associated Realm.
  • Remove the associated Realm.
  • Create and configure a new Request Filter associated with this object.
  • Select and edit the configurable properties of an associated Request Filter
  • Remove an associated Request Filter.
Environment Entry

From the perspective of a particular Environment Entry, it shall be possible to perform the following administrative operations:

  • Navigate to the owning Context or Default Context.
  • Edit the configurable properties of this object.

From the perspective of a particular Host, it shall be possible to perform the following administrative operations:

  • Navigate to the owning Engine.
  • Edit the configurable properties of this object.
  • Create and configure a new Access Logger associated with this object.
  • Edit the configurable properties of the associated Access Logger.
  • Remove the associated Access Logger.
  • Create and configure a new Context associated with this object.
  • Select and edit the configurable properties of an associated Context.
  • Remove an associated Context.
  • Create and configure a new Default Context associated with this object.
  • Edit the configurable properties of the associated Default Context.
  • Remove the associated Default Context.
  • Create and configure a new Realm associated with this object.
  • Edit the configurable properties of the associated Realm.
  • Remove the associated Realm.
  • Create and configure a new Request Filter associated with this object.
  • Select and edit the configurable properties of an associated Request Filter
  • Remove an associated Request Filter.
JDBC Resource

From the perspective of a particular JDBC Resource, it shall be possible to perform the following administrative operations:

  • Navigate to the owning Context or Default Context.
  • Edit the configurable properties of this object.

From the perspective of a particular Loader, it shall be possible to perform the following administrative operations:

  • Navigate to the owning Context.
  • Edit the configurable properties of this object.

From the perspective of a particular Manager, it shall be possible to perform the following administrative operations:

  • Navigate to the owning Context.
  • Edit the configurable properties of this object.

From the perspective of a particular Realm, it shall be possible to perform the following administrative operations:

  • Navigate to the owning Engine, Host, or Context.
  • Edit the configurable properties of this object.
Request Filter

From the perspective of a particular Request Filter, it shall be possible to perform the following administrative operations:

  • Navigate to the owning Engine, Host, or Context.
  • Edit the configurable properties of this object.

From the perspective of the overall Server, it shall be possible to perform the following administrative operations:

  • Edit the configurable properties of this object.
  • Create and configure a new Service associated with this object.
  • Select and edit the configurable properties of an associated Service.

From the perspective of a particular Service, it shall be possible to perform the following administrative operations:

  • Navigate to the owning Server.
  • Edit the configurable properties of this object.
  • Create and configure a new Connector associated with this object.
  • Select and edit the configurable properties of an associated Connector.
  • Remove an associated Connector.
  • Create and configure a new Engine associated with this object.
  • Edit the configurable properties of the associated Engine.
  • Remove the associated Engine.

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